Waiting is hard.
As many of you loyal followers know, I am going into my last semester of school to finish my finance degree. On Tuesday I will begin the last 16-week leg of my journey…a prospect that both excites me and fills me with dread.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the last five weeks in between semesters! I have researched, studied, spent time writing, planning, and envisioning. I am on fire for the future!
But…I have to wait.
I have to turn my attention to the last five classes standing between me and my long fought for goal of finishing my degree.
Having things you want in your life, GOOD things, is what drives you to keep fighting and moving forward. But, walking that path means there will be obstacles. Mountains that need to be climbed to make it to the path beyond. Climbing those mountains takes time, it takes patience…and it’s hard to remain focused on the destination with a big mountain in your face blocking your view.
My experience with mountains has taught me some important things.
First, I already know that at some point on the journey I am going to question why I decided to climb it! Climbing is hard, it is a full-body workout that burns your legs, makes you feel like you are running at full speed when you are barely moving forward, and it puts your resolve to the test. I also know that mountains are steepest at the top, so after you have already hiked for miles, and your muscles are already exhausted, you are going to ask them to work even harder to make that last climb to the top.
Second, is that even when you feel like you want to give up, you are able to keep moving forward. You just keep putting one leg in front of the other, and you keep taking the steps forward because that is the only way to the top…which is what you came to do! Not making it to the top makes all of the hard work feel like a complete waste of time, so giving up isn’t an option, so you dig deep, you set your mind to the task in front of you, and you just. keep. going.
Third, I know that stepping on top of the mountain makes every difficult step completely worth every ounce of struggle. There is nothing that surpasses the elation of summiting…and the view is BREATHTAKING! As you catch your breath, find a big rock to rest on, and pull out the snacks you brought for the journey, there is a sense of calm…and a feeling of accomplishment…that makes the journey a distant memory. All you see around you, the other mountain peaks in the distance, the vastness of the blue sky, the tiny winding roads below, the beautiful sprawling landscape, is all a reminder that the world, and this journey that you are on, is so much bigger than anything you can imagine, and it makes your own struggles seem smaller.
And lastly, I know that after just a few minutes…and a few selfies…you will feel rejuvenated and ready to continue your journey as if the struggle of that last several hours never happened. The adrenaline, the endorphins, and the accomplishment of your goal lighten your step and propel you forward with excitement and the satisfaction of a job well done!
Whatever journey you are on, whatever mountain you are trying to climb right now, be patient. Keep moving forward, keep putting one foot in front of the other, until you reach the top. The success, satisfaction, and energy you need to keep moving are waiting for you at the top…it just takes time, resolve, and a willingness to endure the struggle it takes to get there.
Wishing you all safe and peaceful travels on your journey this year. I am cheering you on every step of the way!