Have you ever had a week that just seemed like everything went wrong all at once?
Well…that’s been my week.
I won’t bore you with all the details, because some of the stuff that happened is just a normal crappy week…work complications (thanks polar vortex), family stuff…and just the regular nonsense of life that happened to be amped up a little this week.
But on top of all of that, I got dumped on by more than just snow this week!
My credit card got hacked…AGAIN! I woke up Wednesday to $183 of Lyft charges in San Francisco and discovered another $200 in charges from the day before. So I got to spend the early morning filing a fraud claim and had my card shut off by the bank. This means I have no access to my bank account until my new card gets here.
This wouldn’t be so annoying if it wasn’t about the fifth time this has happened to me since 2014.
It might not even bother me so badly if the thief was taking a trip to the grocery store or paying for their kid’s asthma medicine because then I would know they were just desperate and needed the money…but no. Every single time this has happened I get hit with charges for someone out partying. The very first time my card got hacked they bought a new tv and then went out for a night on the town…in the UK…rented a limo, and went out for a $700 dinner!! Holy high-life! I mean, if I had that kind of money to spend on eating out then I…oh wait, no, not even then! But that’s beside the point. You must be some special kind of gutter-dwelling amoeba to steal someone’s credit card and use it to go out partying!
I thought perhaps that was the end of the drama for the week since I try to limit myself to one dump truck full of garbage at a time when I get dumped on.
But that was not the end…there was a whole semi-truck barreling my direction the next day, literally.
Yep, Thursday morning, on my way to an appointment for work, I was rear ended by a semi!!
I was on the Interstate at one of the fifty interchanges we have in Denver when a black sedan spun out on the snow several cars in front of me. I slowed down, along with everyone else, to avoid hitting him, but the gigantic semi-truck behind me missed the memo. He tried to swerve and miss me, but didn’t make it.
This was legitimately one of my worst nightmares happening in real life, so I of course panicked and went into full horror movie screaming when it happened. Luckily I was alone for the theatrics.
The good news is that I have no broken bones or bruises, just whiplash…and it’s the first time in my life that I can say I feel like I got hit by a mac truck and have it not be an exaggeration, because now I know what that feels like.
My car on the other hand did not get so lucky and it is going to spend the next six weeks in the car hospital being repaired.
In the meantime, I get to have a six-week test drive of a little blue Kia something that gets excellent gas mileage and sings me a little song when I get where I’m going. And because I can’t hear a tune with no words and not make up lyrics to go with it, my brain immediately decided that “You made it here alive” was obviously the most appropriate lyrics for the Kia car song.
So, now I have a little celebration jingle I can sing upon arrival everywhere I go for the next six weeks…like a weirdo.
Here’s to hoping for a better week ahead!
Stay safe out there,
P.S. I tried to add pics of my poor car, but WordPress is having some janky issue that isn’t allowing them to load…because that’s the week I’m having.