Everyone makes mistakes and needs to correct course now and then! But sometimes, you feel lost and don’t know how to get back on track. This can lead to making more mistakes and creating a much bigger problem or wasting precious time on a path you don’t want to be on. It’s a normal but…
Showing all posts in August 2021

Skills You Need To Be Successful In Business
Do you dream of owning your own business, but you aren’t sure if you have what it takes? You’re not alone! Starting your own business is easy…it’s literally a process of fewer than ten steps to get your business set up and running. A simple Google search will likely take you to the Small Business…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 32
Running your own business is an incredible experience! From the freedom to work for yourself, having your own income, and the satisfaction of building something from the ground up, it is unlike any other work experience. If you are thinking about starting down an entrepreneurial path, I applaud you!! But it can be a daunting…

Time Is A Powerful Healer But It Leaves One Hell Of A Scar
Today is four years since I lost my husband, Jason, to suicide. Four years, and yet, even as I say those words, I still have difficulty wrapping my head around what he did and the devastation that followed. Anniversaries used to mean something very different for me than they do now. They used to mean…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 31
I have been fighting a terrible (NOT COVID) cold…yes, they still exist! But I couldn’t miss another week! This week marks a difficult anniversary for my family and me. So today I will be sharing some thoughts on time, grief, and healing, with a message for those who are taking their own grief journey and…

Living a Life Full of Purpose
In 2017 I woke up one morning after a tough night that came after a challenging few years, with a clarity I hadn’t had in years. I had a child who had some significant struggles that made parenting an extreme challenge. I had unknowingly added to it with my lack of understanding…that all came to…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 30
Sometimes in life, we become so focused on caring for other people and the roles we play in their lives that we put our own dreams and goals aside for a time. It’s easy to lose ourselves along the way! But having things you are passionate about is part of creating the life you want!…