I have never done a list of book recommendations before, but since I love a good book recommendation, and my monthly Google searches always include at least a few searches for them, I decided to make one of my own with 20 books that have had the most impact on my growth journey.
This list includes my favorite books about habit building, goal achievement, health and fitness, finances, mindset, mindfulness and presence, and inspiration. I believe personal growth isn’t just about one thing. It’s not just about buidling good habits, or developing a growth mindset. Personal growth is about developing all the areas of your life from your career to your relationships with the people who matter most to you, to your finances, and your health and fitness.
It’s all part of what makes you who you are, and they are all areas where you can grow and develop on your journey to make the vision for your life a reality and become the very best version of you.
Atomic Habits by James Clear
This book on forming lasting habits through making small changes is still the #2 selling book on Amazon four years after it was published. Packed with evidence-based strategies, Atomic Habits will teach you how to make small changes that will transform your habits and deliver amazing results. I have read this book more than once…and I will definitely be reading it again. It is just so good! The way James explains things and the strategies he dives into are easy to understand and implement…always in small steps.
Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle
I highly recommend getting the audio version of any Eckhart Tolle books…his voice is so calming! Stillness Speaks discusses the power of being still and silent in your mind and body. It gives you a lot to think about, so even though the chapters are relatively short, read and then take time to work through the content. This is one of those books you can listen to over and over when you are feeling stressed or negative…and it immediately resets your thoughts and gets you back into a positive and calm state. Don’t listen to it while you’re driving though…it’s a little too calming for behind the wheel consumption.
The Impossible First by Colin O’Brady
The Impossible First is the gripping true story of the author’s race to be the first person to walk cross Antartica alone. Colin O’Brady is an inspiration, not only for his walk across the coldest place on earth, but for overcoming an accident that left him in a wheelchair, climbing Mt. Everest (and a lot of other giant mountains), and other incredible feats in the years before he decided to do the impossible walk. He uses his experiences to teach about climbing our own Everest and overcoming the impossible odds in our own life. This is must-read!
Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
Whatever your personal feelings are about Rachel Hollis…Girl, Stop Apologizing is gold. I thought about excluding it from the list because Rachel has somehow managed to make herself somewhat of a controversial figure. But, this book had a huge impact on me when I was trying to finish my finance degree. So no matter what choices she has made in her personal and public life, this book is packed with good advice and inspiration to confidently embrace your dreams for the life you want…without apology. It was the encouragement I needed at a crucial point in my journey, so I am forever grateful…and I highly recommend the wisdom included in the pages of this book.
Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks
When people think about personal growth and development, I’m guessing that learning how to tell an engaging story doesn’t come to the top of the list…but hear me out.
Some of the most in-depth learning I have gained from my experiences has come from sharing them. Being able to work through all of the emotions attached to my experiences isn’t easy for me…but through telling my story, or writing my story, I am able to dig into those memories and sift through the emotions, process them, and explore them in a way I’m not able to in any other setting.
Learning to tell an engaging story helps you learn and grow from your own life experiences!
Matthew Dicks’ Storyworthy does an incredible job of teaching readers to tell their stories by breaking down the process of storytelling into actionable steps that can help you get started on the road to being able to tell your own story, the lessons you learned, and help others through those stories.
Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
Greenlights is all about seeing the opportunities in life…in every situation. Matthew McConaughey is an amazing storyteller (get the audiobook and you can listen to him read it to you…dreamy sigh)! His engaging stories about the good, bad, raw, and sometimes horrifying experiences in his life help the reader see that opportunities can come in many forms and through some of life’s most difficult challenges. It also shows that it’s ok to walk away from scenarios that other people would see as “the dream” if it’s not your dream and you want something more from your life…greenlight.

Get Rich Lucky B*tch! by Denise Duffield-Thomas
Are you ready to change your money mindset and start down a path to abundance?
Denise Duffield-Thomas is helping women remove the obstacles to abundance and changing the narrative about being a wealthy woman. Get Rich Lucky B*tch shares stories from Denise’s life and her journey to a seven-figure business. It talks about mindset and opening yourself up to abundance from the universe. It won’t fix all your money problems, but it will change the way you think about money and get you started on your own journey to a first-class life.
Mindset by Carol Dweck
If you have followed me for any length of time, you have heard me talk about Mindset by Carol Dweck. This book changed my life. Not in some bolt of lightning way where I woke up the next morning and everything in my life was completely different. But it changed the way I viewed my own life, and the people in my life. That new prism started to change the way I interacted with the challenges I faced and how I approached my relationships with others.
Before I realized it, the word “mindset” had become a normal part of my vocabulary in my conversations with myself and others. I started teaching my kids about it and working to help them develop a growth mindset as well.
If you want to learn more about the most powerful tool in your arsenal to battle the challenges of life, this is the book for you.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
There is a difference between making money and building wealth. Rich Dad Poor Dad dives into the beliefs we have about money and where they come from. Most of us do not have the opportunity to grow up under the wing of someone who teaches us the secret to buidling wealth and buying our independence, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn. This is a great book to add to your list if you are looking to change your view of money and are looking to take the first step on your journey to financial freedom.
How To Talk To Anyone by Leil Lowndes
While How to Talk to Anyone is not the most exciting book, it does have a wealth of information and strategies to help even the most introverted person (shyly raising my hand) talk to people in otherwise uncomfortable settings, i.e., a room full of strangers.
Part of my job in business development is making ‘friends’ out of everyone when I know no one. This book reinforced that I was already doing a lot of things right and gave me actionable strategies to build on.
Building relationships is valuable in practically every facet of life, and this book helps you get past the small talk, make people open up to you, and create real connections with anyone you meet.
Body Love by Kelly LeVeque
I really struggled with this book at first. I’m not sure if it was that I was using an audio book and her voice/personality bothered me, the way she says ‘satiety’, or if I just wasn’t ready to hear and learn from the content. But, this book came highly recommended, so I pushed through her cringy pronunciation of an already annoying word, and I’m glad I did! Body Love offers practical advice for nutrition, but Kelly offers explanations about the ‘why’ behind the advice she offers (which is really important to me), and explains how to balance your hunger hormones and blood sugar through the foods you eat. If health and fitness is on your list of priorities this year, this book is a great place to start understanding what to put in your body for health and why certain things work and others don’t, along with suggestions for how to nutritiously get your body healthy, regardless of the number on the scale.
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth is for anyone interested in reaching their full potential…but really it should be required reading for life. From making intentional decisions to direct your life to be aware of yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses, this book has a treasure trove of information to help catapoult you forward into the life you want…and reaching your full potential.
B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe by Reese Owen
This is one of those books that has a controversial title to entice you into reading it…and then you find out it’s just filled with practical advice. I’m not knocking it, I thought it was good enough to put on the list of books that can have a significant impact on your life. But don’t go into it expecting it to be as edgy as the title. B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe is all about silencing the negative voice in our head that prevents you from moving forward and stepping outside of your comfort zone…but mostly that negativity that keeps you feeling like you are less than you are. The conversations you have internally have the power to launch you forward or hold you back. Changing the narrative in your mind is essential to growth, learning, and feelings of happiness and peace.
Control the narrative in your head, control the outcome of your life.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now is all about being present in whatever you are experiencing at the moment. A lot of personal growth and development is focused on making goals and working for the future…but you can easily lose what’s important in your relationships and current experiences if you allow the worries, planning, and future focus to keep you from being present for the people and experiences that matter in your life right NOW. This book helps you get present…and sometimes, that’s exactly what you need.
Get Out of Your Own Way by Dave Hollis
I prefer an author that teaches from their personal experiences, which is one of the reasons I enjoyed Get Out of Your Own Way. I like a hopelessly flawed human that has made mistakes…because that is what I can relate to. Dave Hollis has gotten in his own way more than once, and continues to do so (even in the writing of this very imperfect book)…but that makes him easier to believe when he tells you what he is doing to learn and grow past it. There is no such thing as perfection, so read it with the understanding that even if you can’t be perfect, it shouldn’t stop you from continually striving to be better, and remove the obstacles standing in your way…even if it’s yourself.
Green This! by Deirdre Imus
I first read this book back in 2007 when it first came out. I have read it a couple of times since then because it is just so good. Green This! is all about cleaning and sanitizing your home without harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment and bad for your health. Not everyone can afford to purchase ‘green’ brand-name cleaners, which makes this book so much more valuable. I started using the suggestions in this book years ago when we were a one-income family struggling to make ends meet and found that the natural ways to clean were actually much cheaper than purchasing chemicals. Green cleaning that’s good for the environment, your health, and your wallet…that’s a huge win!
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
I love The Gifts of Imperfection…just like millions of other people who recommend it. But seriously, if you haven’t read it, you should. I don’t love Brene Brown, she’s a little too much for me sometimes. In hindsight, I definitely should have purchased a hard copy of the book rather than the audiobook. But, it’s a very motivating and inspirational book. I love that she finds value in our flawed human nature. Which makes sense because we are all flawed! If you can find the gifts in your flaws, you can truly love yourself exactly as you are…which leads to deeper happiness and greater peace.
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
Dare to Lead is a great book for any woman working to step forward and be a whole hearted leader. It is definitely geared towards entrepreneurs or women in business, but the principles can apply to any area of life where you are looking to take on a leadership role. As a woman who has served in multiple leadership positions for my employer and in my own business, I do not agree with everything in this book…and honestly, if I had to take time out of every day to do all the things Brene claims to do I wouldn’t have time to actually do my job. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t great information and valuable tools in the book. As your reading, take what works and let the rest go…it’s definitely not a handbook for your life, it’s just a book with strategies to pick and choose from depending on what resonates with you, and gives you a list of ideas to try if you’re facing challenges as a leader.
Skinny B*tch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
Skinny B*tch is a like having your two blunt besties tell you to get your crap together when it comes to your health and fitness. I read this book for the first time several years ago and it just stuck with me! If you don’t like bad language, this book isn’t for you, because Rory and Kim have naughty mouths. But mixed in there are nuggets of humorous gold like, “soda is liquid satan”, that really sticks with you and motivates you to make some much needed changes to your health and fitness. Sometimes, we need information and inspiration…sometimes we need a tough talk. This book is the tough talk. If that’s not your cup of tea, keep scrolling. However, if you’ve tried other routes and feel like a good kick in the pants might make a difference, give this book a read. If nothing else, it might give you a laugh and a few new things to try.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey
No list of personal growth books would be complete without 7 Habits of Highly Effective People…because it’s fantastic. My dad read this book when it first came out, and I’m pretty sure he has read it at least ten times. He always talked about it when I was a kid, but my bestie bought me a copy a few years back. I have since gotten the audiobook, because this is one of those books you learn new things from every time you read it…and you should read it more than once.
Steven talks about being proactive in your own life, the importance of trying to understand others before trying to be understood, putting first things first in your life, and working with the end goal in mind. You can’t go wrong with any of the advice he gives, even if you only apply part of it.
It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you start. Reading is a powerful way to learn and understand yourself better, so start the year off right by making reading a part of your day.
Now you have my favorites, what are yours? Save me another Google search by dropping some suggestions in the comments!
Happy Reading,