Trying to keep up with the demands of life isn’t easy, and sometimes you find yourself overwhelmed, lacking the time and energy needed to fulfill all your obligations and keep up with all of life’s demands. Today’s episode is all about ways you can simplify your life and reserve your energy for the things that…
Big Things Happening at A Highly Unlikely Life!
Those of you who have been following me for a while know that I have been focused on my studies to complete my finance degree for the last couple of years. So it’s been a long three years! Finishing my degree was one of the things on my vision board for the longest, and anything…
The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 23
When you look around at your life right now, does it seem that the challenges are just stacking up, and handling all of the stress has become overwhelming? If you are struggling to keep and you’re not sure how to navigate the challenges without losing yourself in the process, today’s episode is for you! The…

More Than Just Boots- A Gold Star Widow’s Perspective
It’s been almost four years since we lost my late husband, Jason. Since that time, most of his personal effects have been in storage because it was just too painful and overwhelming to even think about going through them. I started feeling like it was time to have them delivered and start working through this…
Boundaries: An Important Tool For Living Your Best Life
I heard someone say something the other day that got me thinking. I listened to a woman talking about her life and how she struggled with anxiety, so she had decided to seek help from a therapist to unpack some of the things that she was feeling. Through talking with her therapist, she came to…
Getting Your Garden Started Right
THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. THIS MEANS THAT, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU, I MAY EARN A SMALL COMMISSION IF YOU CLICK THROUGH AND MAKE A PURCHASE. It’s one of my favorite times of year, gardening season! I haven’t always been a good gardener, and I still don’t consider myself an expert, but gardening…
Time to Talk About the Silent Crisis
Mental health is a subject that is near to my heart. It is not because of my own issues, but because it has detrimentally affected my family and those I love, and I have seen firsthand the damage caused by mental health issues that go unaddressed. We have a mental health crisis happening in our…
The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 22
I love cooking and I LOVE to eat…but I don’t love to exercise. I know I’m not alone in that!  We often talk about the effect that food and exercise have on our waistline, but today, I want to talk about the effect they have on your mind.  Today’s episode is all about the big…
The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 21
Remember when you were a kid and daydreaming and imagination were things all the adults in your life accepted as part of your normal development? Why did we stop daydreaming and using our imaginations?  In today’s episode, we are going to talk all about the power of imagination and re-developing the ability to daydream…with a…
The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 20
Having a house that is clean and tidy all day every day is something social media tells us is normal, but in reality it is something many people really struggle with. Keeping every space organized and tidy can be overwhelming, and sometimes impossible. You are not alone in your struggles! Today’s episode is part 2…