4 ways crocheting improves your life

4 Ways Crocheting Can Radically Improve Your Life

Jan, 16, 2023
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Crocheting won’t change your circumstances or the people around you. But it offers many AMAZING benefits that can radically improve mental and emotional health. In addition, the overall sense of well-being, happiness, and fulfillment from your creative hobby will dramatically improve your quality of life.

4 ways crocheting improves your life

As you crochet, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. It helps to calm you down and build confidence as you progress. It can also help you build a supportive community and find purpose in your craft. These benefits are invaluable!

Crocheting Releases Happy Juice

4 way crocheting improves your life

Crocheting is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, releasing serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These two essential chemicals are the happy juice of the body. As you crochet, the brain releases the happy juice that helps you relax and elevates your mood. These chemicals have also been linked to improved cognitive abilities and better concentration. Elevated serotonin and dopamine in the brain reduce the amount of cortisol in your body, relieving stress. Additionally, crocheting can help to foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in one’s work, which can be an invaluable boost to our overall happiness.

So, your crochet hobby makes you feel good, helps you relax, and relieves stress.

Crocheting Confidence

4 ways crocheting improves your life

Crocheting can be incredibly beneficial to manage stress levels and help focus the mind. It can help to control negative thoughts and feelings while creating something tangible with the hands that can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment. As your crochet skills improve, your confidence increases as the tangible result can be seen and appreciated. Crocheting is an activity that people of all ages and skill levels can enjoy. It can be a great way to relax and enjoy a creative outlet while improving your self-esteem.

Community and Purpose

When crocheting, you can find a supportive community and discover a newfound purpose in creating something with your hands. This simple and enjoyable activity can be a great source of comfort in times of stress, allowing you to connect with others, gain a sense of fulfillment, and find support. In addition, it can be a rewarding and meaningful way of expressing yourself and your creativity, which can, in turn, help to improve your mental health. By connecting with a supportive community, you can find a sense of purpose in crocheting and use it as a beneficial outlet for your creativity.

4 ways crocheting improves your life


Crocheting is a remarkable tool for mental health. Now you know it helps your brain release the happy chemicals, serotonin, and dopamine, which make you feel good. It also calms you down and builds confidence as you grow as a crocheter. You can also build a supportive community around you and find purpose in your craft. These benefits are invaluable, and crochet can be an excellent tool for your well-being.

Drop into the comments to let me know how crocheting has impacted your life, or you can DM me on Instagram anytime. I love to hear from you ❤️

🧶 Happy Stitching!

xo — Lavena

P.S. Grab your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Crochet for Mental Health and tap into the benefits of creativity so that you can become one of many amazing women who have unlocked the secret to experiencing joy, peace, and calm in their everyday lives by becoming renewed and revitalized while having fun with crochet.

Lavena Perry

Hello lovely! Let's get all of the labels out the way so we can talk... I'm a daughter, sister, mother, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, college graduate, and passionate crafter who has survived raising special needs children, a child with cancer, a heart condition, and becoming a widow at a young age...whew! Made it. But here's the important part... I teach women how to use crochet as a creative outlet for self-care so that they can reduce anxiety and depression, be more mindful and present, and experience joy from their lives. What does that have to do with crafting? EVERYTHING!! Learning creative skills is a great way to care for yourself, activates the creative centers in your brain and lets ideas start to flow, builds self-esteem and confidence, and relieves anxiety and depression symptoms. YEAH, crocheting, knitting, and sewing can do ALL of that! I firmly believe that people WANT to spend time caring for themselves through creativity, but life often gets in the way and the desire to learn gets put on the back burner. Here is your opportunity to finally learn these essential skills and transform your passion into purpose, care for yourself, and feel better! So happy you are here! xo — Lavena

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