Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration When You Need It

Aug, 30, 2022
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Every Sunday, I set aside time to plan my week. I schedule everything from which blogs I’m going to write, videos to film, projects I’m going to work on, and even when I’m going to get my little Yorkie, Waffle, to the groomer. This habit has been a lifesaver! I wish I could say that ideas are always popping out of my head as I sit in front of my calendar, but sometimes, I need help with inspiration to come up with ideas.

Today, I am going to share my favorite sources of inspiration so that next time you are out of great ideas, you can get inspired and keep creating.

Inspiration Resources


Pinterest is my go-to platform for ideas and inspiration, along with hundreds of millions of other users.

Pinterest has everything you could imagine. By following and repinning ideas that inspire you, the Pinterest algorithm learns what you like and it feeds you more of it.

So if you search for “summer crochet ideas” and pin several things from the search results, Pinterest will suggest boards to follow and show you more and more ideas for “summer crochet”. The more you pin, the more ideas it will show you.

But some of my best inspiration comes from trying a new stitch or technique. So I will search for “crochet stitch tutorials”.

As I work through the tutorial, my mind gets very active and I come up with new ideas to try on new projects.

This is an amazing way to simultaneously grow as a crocheter and get inspired!

Get started today by creating an inspiration board on Pinterest. You will thank me later when you are feeling inspired, creative, and becoming a better crocheter by the day.

Finding Inspiration

Instagram & TikTok

If you love to scroll short videos, Instagram Reels and TikTok are fantastic places to get inspired.

I follow many crocheters and knitters. Over time they have started to fill my FYP. I get to see the things they create and feel inspired to try new things all the time.

Much like Pinterest, the more you like and follow these creators, the more you will find. The algorithms want you to stay and watch, so they continuously feed you things you like.

You can use this as a tool to get inspiration for new projects and learn new techniques.

Rather than mindlessly watching funny cat videos (we are all guilty 🙋🏻‍♀️), why not turn your feed into an inspiration tool that you can use to learn and grow?

If I see something I want to try, I save it. Then, when I have time and I am sitting down with my yarn and hook, I will sift through my saved videos for inspiration.

Some of my best work came from 30-second videos. Once I learn a stitch, I try it out on a project. The creators on social media provide amazing value that you can tap into for FREE.

Give it a try!

Finding Inspiration

Craft Stores

Who doesn’t love walking down an aisle of perfectly organized, beautiful yarn?

Sometimes, I feel so inspired as I run my fingers over a soft skein of yarn in magnificent colors.

But the gift of a craft store goes beyond the yarn.

Have you ever noticed those little swatches of stitched yarn with cards hanging on the yarn shelves? Those little cards often have pictures of projects created from the yarn they represent.

So not only are you seeing an idea to create, but you are also standing in front of the yarn you need to create it. YES!!

As a lifelong crocheter, one of the nagging challenges I face is deciding on the right yarn for a project. I love it when I buy a pattern and the artist tells me exactly what yarn they used to create it.

So using this tool in the craft store is very inspiring to me because it solves my yarn dilemma.

I also love to walk down the aisle of crochet tools and see what new things they have in stock. It could be something as simple as a new style of a crochet hook or something bigger like a ball winder for making yarn cakes.

You can also check their calendar to see if they have any classes or groups that are meeting. Craft stores love to bring people together so they can build crafting communities.

This brings me to my next source of inspiration, crochet groups!

Finding Inspiration

Crafting Communities

Knitting circles, crochet clubs, and craft weekends are much different now than they used to be.

I don’t necessarily think this has been a great evolution, but it has made these groups much more accessible to larger geographic segments of society.

The days of needing to drive to go meet your knitting ladies are gone.

You can meet up with people online through Facebook groups, and other paid clubs.

These groups are great places to get ideas, ask questions, and learn from other people who are passionate about your craft. They will help you grow and improve, but they will also inspire you.

Finding Inspiration

Look Around You

Most of the time I don’t even need to leave my house or crack open an app to find ideas for a new project.

I look around my house and consider what I want or need.

Need a new throw pillow for your bed or the couch? No need to rush out to the nearest Kirklands or Home Goods store. If you have a hook and yarn, there is a throw pillow waiting to be made.

This includes trying new things like baskets, kitchen towels, pot holders, washcloths, and scrubbies. I have even made soap bags to accommodate the incredible homemade essential oil soaps my sister gave me this past spring.

Need a scarf to go with your new winter coat? Get busy stitching! You have the tools at your fingertips to create the things you need.

Consumerism has become so easy and accessible that it’s easy to forget the joy that comes from creating things for your family and your home.

Blankets, pillow covers, socks, hats, mittens, scarves, washcloths, towels, baskets, table runners, placemats, coasters, pot holders, doormats, bathmats, holiday decor…the list of things you can create rather than purchase goes on and on.

So, if you are looking for inspiration, walk around your home and see what you need or want. Then decide if you can try to make it. Even if it turns out terrible, you will learn new skills and grow as a creator!

Finding Inspiration

TV & Movies

A few years back I was watching a movie and I saw this girl sitting on her couch snuggled up in the cutest crocheted blanket.

I don’t remember the name of the movie, or what she was crying about as she sat there cozied up, but I remember the blanket!

I decided to create a blanket inspired by that crying girl and I gifted it to my daughter. It turned out so cute!

We all like to consume a good movie or binge-watch our favorite series now and then. So why not keep your eyes on the lookout for inspiration?

I have found cute sweaters, hats, mug cozies, and lots of blankets that have all ended up on my hook.

I’m super curious to see what you come up with using this idea, it’s so fun!

Finding Inspiration

Go Get Inspired

Now you know my secret to feeling inspired!

You can hop on over to the Solo Stitching Shop for more inspiration, ideas, and patterns. You can also follow me on Pinterest and get all the pins I share and create.

Have more tips for saving money on crochet? Share them with me in the comments or you can DM me on Instagram anytime. I love to hear from you and get to know you.

Happy Stitching!

xo — Lavena

P.S. Grab your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Crochet for Mental Health and tap into the benefits of creativity so that you can become one of many amazing women who have unlocked the secret to experiencing joy, peace, and calm in their everyday lives by becoming renewed and revitalized while having fun with crochet.

Lavena Perry

Hello lovely! Let's get all of the labels out the way so we can talk... I'm a daughter, sister, mother, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, college graduate, and passionate crafter who has survived raising special needs children, a child with cancer, a heart condition, and becoming a widow at a young age...whew! Made it. But here's the important part... I teach women how to use crochet as a creative outlet for self-care so that they can reduce anxiety and depression, be more mindful and present, and experience joy from their lives. What does that have to do with crafting? EVERYTHING!! Learning creative skills is a great way to care for yourself, activates the creative centers in your brain and lets ideas start to flow, builds self-esteem and confidence, and relieves anxiety and depression symptoms. YEAH, crocheting, knitting, and sewing can do ALL of that! I firmly believe that people WANT to spend time caring for themselves through creativity, but life often gets in the way and the desire to learn gets put on the back burner. Here is your opportunity to finally learn these essential skills and transform your passion into purpose, care for yourself, and feel better! So happy you are here! xo — Lavena

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