Use Crochet To Calm Your Mind & Body

Crafting Calm: How Crochet Can Help You Relax

Jan, 09, 2023

If you’re looking for a way to reduce stress and anxiety, crochet may be the perfect hobby for you. Crochet can be used as a natural stress reliever through the combination of calming colors, sounds, and repetitive hand movements. Here, we’ll explore the basics of how to use crochet to calm your mind and body.

Benefits of Crochet for Mental Health

Use crochet to calm your body and mind

Crochet can be a powerful tool for promoting mental health and well-being. Spending time crafting with your hands can help reduce stress and provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Additionally, the rhythmic and repetitive motions of crocheting can be incredibly therapeutic, promoting relaxation and calming your mind.

Getting Started with Crochet

Before you can reap the benefits of crochet for mental health, you’ll need to learn the basics. Start by getting the necessary materials, such as a crochet hook and yarn. Then, learn the basic stitches, such as chain stitches and single crochets. Once you feel comfortable, you can move on to more advanced stitches, like the Tunisian full stitch.

Tutorial: Tunisian Full Stitch

Tunisian Full Stitch

The Tunisian full stitch is a great stitch to learn if you’re looking to use crochet to calm your mind and body. It combines the basics of chain and single crochet stitches, with a few extra steps that add texture and interest to your projects. Here’s how to do the Tunisian full stitch:

  1. Start by chaining the number of stitches your pattern calls for.
  2. Insert your hook into the second stitch from the hook.
  3. Yarn over and pull up a loop, keeping all of the loops on the hook.
  4. Yarn over and pull through one loop on the hook.
  5. Yarn over and pull through two loops on the hook.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until you reach the end of the row.
  7. Yarn over and pull through all loops on the hook.

For a more in-depth explanation, click this link for the full video tutorial with step-by-step instructions for the Tunisian Full Stitch.

Incorporating Crochet into Your Life

How to use crochet to calm your body and mind

Once you’ve mastered the basics of crochet and the Tunisian full stitch, you can start incorporating it into your daily life for stress relief. Whether taking a few minutes out of your day to work on a project or setting aside a specific time each week to work on your craft, crochet’s calming effects can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Show Me Your Projects

Are you using crochet to calm your mind and body? Show me your projects using the Tunisian full stitch down in the comments!

Lavena Perry

Hello lovely! Let's get all of the labels out the way so we can talk... I'm a daughter, sister, mother, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, college graduate, and passionate crafter who has survived raising special needs children, a child with cancer, a heart condition, and becoming a widow at a young age...whew! Made it. But here's the important part... I teach women how to use crochet as a creative outlet for self-care so that they can reduce anxiety and depression, be more mindful and present, and experience joy from their lives. What does that have to do with crafting? EVERYTHING!! Learning creative skills is a great way to care for yourself, activates the creative centers in your brain and lets ideas start to flow, builds self-esteem and confidence, and relieves anxiety and depression symptoms. YEAH, crocheting, knitting, and sewing can do ALL of that! I firmly believe that people WANT to spend time caring for themselves through creativity, but life often gets in the way and the desire to learn gets put on the back burner. Here is your opportunity to finally learn these essential skills and transform your passion into purpose, care for yourself, and feel better! So happy you are here! xo — Lavena

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