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Get Your Life Back On Track With These Powerful Strategies

Get Your Life Back On Track With These Powerful Strategies

Have you ever made a commitment to do something or investment to start something and then, after you got into it, you realize you have made a big mistake? Or have you had the difficult experience of knowing you are doing something all wrong, but you feel powerless to change it so you just keep…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 25

With all of the responsibilities many of us juggle daily, it’s not difficult to understand how the goals we have for ourselves can get lost as we struggle to keep up with the demands on our time and our energy. By the time we take care of all the things we feel obligated to do,…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 23

When you look around at your life right now, does it seem that the challenges are just stacking up, and handling all of the stress has become overwhelming? If you are struggling to keep and you’re not sure how to navigate the challenges without losing yourself in the process, today’s episode is for you! The…