Have you ever made a commitment to do something or investment to start something and then, after you got into it, you realize you have made a big mistake? Or have you had the difficult experience of knowing you are doing something all wrong, but you feel powerless to change it so you just keep…
Showing all posts tagged life lessons

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 33
Everyone makes mistakes and needs to correct course now and then! But sometimes, you feel lost and don’t know how to get back on track. This can lead to making more mistakes and creating a much bigger problem or wasting precious time on a path you don’t want to be on. It’s a normal but…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 31
I have been fighting a terrible (NOT COVID) cold…yes, they still exist! But I couldn’t miss another week! This week marks a difficult anniversary for my family and me. So today I will be sharing some thoughts on time, grief, and healing, with a message for those who are taking their own grief journey and…

Living a Life Full of Purpose
In 2017 I woke up one morning after a tough night that came after a challenging few years, with a clarity I hadn’t had in years. I had a child who had some significant struggles that made parenting an extreme challenge. I had unknowingly added to it with my lack of understanding…that all came to…
The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 29
We often talk about developing skills and achieving goals as a strategy to have the life you want and become the very best version of yourself. But sometimes we face obstacles to growth because of our weaknesses, and it can be really difficult to get real with ourselves about what needs to happen for us…
Day 1096
Today is the third anniversary of my husband Jason’s death. He took his own life on August 18, 2017, 1096 days ago, and our lives will never be the same. During this past Christmas, I started feeling very impressed that it was time for me to talk about Jason’s death and publish it on the…
A Highly Unlikely Hero…At Least an Unsung One
I attended my first ever military retirement ceremony recently. In nineteen years as a military spouse, I attended numerous military functions, ceremonies, balls, and mandatory fun events, but this was my first retirement. As someone who was never that military wife that learned all the acronyms, memorized my husband’s alphanumeric code that represented his job…
The Lonely Art of Parenting Teens- A Mother’s Day Tribute
At that moment of clarity, I could never have imagined what was in store for me or my family in the coming months. But in that moment, I gained emotional maturity that would carry me through… Recently, I was sitting at breakfast with my 16-year-old, who will remain nameless lest I embarrass her and…
The Highly Unlikely Tale of Pneumonia and Three Dead Mice
Whoever coined the phrase, “quiet at a mouse”, has obviously never been woken in the middle of the night by a mouse having a party in a plastic bag. Mice and I have an ugly history, and it starts thusly. When Jordan was about six months old, I found a recliner on the street. I…
The Highly Unlikely Story of the Receptionist Who Became the Office Manager…In Two Weeks
April of 2016 was an extraordinarily busy time filled with homeschooling, keeping up with teenager schedules, and trying to excel at the busy life of a stay-at-home mom who rarely stayed home. Since our move the year before, our finances had not taken kindly to the shock of moving to the city which created an…