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More Than Just Boots- A Gold Star Widow’s Perspective

More Than Just Boots- A Gold Star Widow’s Perspective

It’s been almost four years since we lost my late husband, Jason. Since that time, most of his personal effects have been in storage because it was just too painful and overwhelming to even think about going through them. I started feeling like it was time to have them delivered and start working through this…

A Highly Unlikely Hero…At Least an Unsung One

I attended my first ever military retirement ceremony recently.  In nineteen years as a military spouse, I attended numerous military functions, ceremonies, balls, and mandatory fun events, but this was my first retirement.   As someone who was never that military wife that learned all the acronyms, memorized my husband’s alphanumeric code that represented his job…

The Highly Unlikely Tale of Pneumonia and Three Dead Mice

Whoever coined the phrase, “quiet at a mouse”, has obviously never been woken in the middle of the night by a mouse having a party in a plastic bag. Mice and I have an ugly history, and it starts thusly. When Jordan was about six months old, I found a recliner on the street.  I…

It Was Highly Unlikely I Would Ever Write Again…

I used to blog for fun.  I wrote funny stories from events in my life, always looking for the good and humorous things that made all the crap in my world stink less.  Then, seven years ago, I decided to go to college and get a degree in accounting just in case my kids ever…