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Vacation On Any Budget With These Helpful Strategies

Vacation On Any Budget With These Helpful Strategies

Click HERE to listen to The Highly Unlikely Podcast episode on Vacationing On A Budget. In the summer of 2007, I was rushing around my house finishing laundry, cleaning like a madwoman, stuffing clothes into suitcases, and sweating in the sweltering heat as I prepared for an entire summer of travel. So rather than sit…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 29

We often talk about developing skills and achieving goals as a strategy to have the life you want and become the very best version of yourself. But sometimes we face obstacles to growth because of our weaknesses, and it can be really difficult to get real with ourselves about what needs to happen for us…

Want Happier Kids? Invest Where It Matters Most and See Amazing Results

The week before Christmas in 2007 I was digging through the closets of my children’s rooms brutally reducing the number of toys my children owned. As I stuffed toys into boxes and bags, keeping only a handful of toys for each child, I was plagued by the existence of another pile of toys. There was…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 28

We all love vacations! Setting out for a new destination, having fun, finally having time to relax and get away for a while, and building new memories. But vacations can be so expensive, and sometimes, just thinking about the cost of a vacation keeps us at home. Today’s episode is all about getting that much-needed…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast Ep. 27

Today’s world is immersed in consumerism, focused on having the latest and newest gadgets and things, and we are passing all of that on to our kids. Today’s episode digs in to a strategy to shift our perspective to have happier kids and healthier relationships.

Try This Simple Strategy To Get Energized and Love Your Life

It’s true, some music makes you feel really good! I always struggle to say I love music. I mean…I do love music, but it is so much more than that for me. I was born with music in my soul! As a child, my mom would always talk about how I was always singing. I…

The Highly Unlikely Podcast – Ep. 26

Handling challenges like a pro requires that you have strong foundations already in place when the challenges happen. One important foundation is a financial foundation built with education and strategies focused on long-term stability. On today’s episode I am going to share with you an important financial strategy I learned it from a a video…